TrackMania Nations Forever [Edit Game]A free game in the truest sense of the word, TrackMania Nations Forever lets you drive at mind-blowing speeds on fun and spectacular tracks in solo and multiplayer modes. Nations Forever will offer a new "Forever" version of the Stadium environment, a solid solo mode and 65 brand new, progressively difficult tracks. TrackMania Nations Forever will unite an even larger number of players than the original Nations thanks to its engaging multiplayer modes, innovative online functions and revolutionary interactivity between players.
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Addictive. Essentially it's a free racing game, where you can run time trials on crazy tracks... But that really doesn't sum this game up. There are dozens of tracks (at least 50 but I can't remember at this point), each with a bronze, silver, gold and a developers time to try to beat. The game is absurdly irritating, and getting the best times will take hours of practice on each level, things like hitting jumps at exactly the right speed, cutting corners by exactly the right amount and braking similarly all are massive factors, and you have to get each one exactly right. To top it all, when you get bored, you can make your own tracks... What's not to love? And did I mention? All this is free, basically if you have steam and don't already have it, there is something wrong with you... A warning though, one of my friends did smash his laptop while trying to get a fast time, so remember, its only a game...
Review by MeatyFin at 2012-06-21 22:29:00